My life and times

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Brown Underware?

I was doing laundry today. I went to pull the laundry out of the dryer and I see a very big brown stain. Andrew had some new underware with Bob the Builder on it. On the back of one of his new underware was a picture of Lofty on the brown dirt. OK, Note to underware makers.....NO Brown Underware. I seriously thought that Andrew had put something in the laundry without me knowing about it. It looked like a big mess that did not come out in the wash. I thought I was going to have to redo the whole load.

I think I need a little more sleep.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Rock Paper Scissors?

Check out this link. A story about a Judge forcing two lawyers to play Rock, Paper, Scissors to resolve an issue.

If you have time, watch the video on the page. I cant believe there is a Rock,Paper,Scissor League. Where do I sign up?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Swim Lessons and other thoughts

WOW, it has been a month since I posted last. Where did the time go. Andrew and Ankia start swim lessons tonight. Ankia loves to splash in the bath tub, so being in a pool should be fun. Andrew loves to swim, but still is a little scared to put his face in the water.

Andrew had is pre school screening recently. That is where they do a bunch of tests to see if he will be ready for Kindergarden. Vision, hearing and cognative tests. He did ok on the Vision and hearing. When he was tested for the cognative, he got a score of 50 out of 50. Its scary, that he already is aceing tests. I think he gets that from his mother.

Andrew will be attending Theater Camp this summer. Its a one hour a day for one week camp. It should be fun. More on that later.

Last item for today, I found a really cool movie on You Tube. If you are a scifi nut you will love this. The title is StarTrek vs. StarWars. Enjoy.