Are you smart enough to pass Third Grade?
This one should be fun. Go to this website and test your knowledge of Geography. Do you know your states?
Take the test and post a comment on how you did. My first try I got 38/50, but I was using the new laptop and I am not comfortable with the touchpad mouse. I ran out of time. Grrr. Technology sometimes can be a hindrance.....hehehe
Take the test and post a comment on how you did. My first try I got 38/50, but I was using the new laptop and I am not comfortable with the touchpad mouse. I ran out of time. Grrr. Technology sometimes can be a hindrance.....hehehe
Woo hoo! I passed the third grade!!!
I was rather bummed that when I completed it there weren't any cool pictures of fireworks or a handy $20 gift certificate to B&N.
By Marie, at 11:06 PM
I passed third grade... I guess the Slayton School system isn't totally worthless.
By Anonymous, at 12:31 PM
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