My life and times

Monday, May 08, 2006

MS Walk Recap

Here is how our walk went....

We arrived in Marshall a little after 10 am for checkin. It was cool and very windy. We unloaded the truck, kids, stuff and went to checkin. Mom and Dad both had scooters. Dad because he has to use a scooter and Mom because they are trying to sell the older one. We checked in, got our tshirts, and turned in our money. Mom and Dad turned in $4080 and we turned in $650. (Thanks to everyone who made a contribution) With Andrew and Anika loaded in the wagon, we started our walk. Five miles pulling the wagon. Anikia slept for about half the trip. Andrew loved looking at all the different things along the way. There were many bumps. At the 2 mile mark, they had a rest stop setup with snacks and beverages.

We were done with the walk about noon. Then we went to Perkins for Brunch.

My feet are still sore from walking, but we had a great time.


  • I didn't think they still had Perkins. I love that place. Is the one over on I-94 and Riverside still open? Can we go there when Paul and I are back in town? Please? Please?

    By Blogger JTW, at 12:05 AM  

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